Would you like to return your order?

Your personal preference plays a major role in choosing the right products for optimal work experience. In some cases it may happen that our product does not completely suit you. For this reason, it is always possible for us to check for 30 days whether it works for you.

We know that in many cases a new setup can take a few days to get used to. That is why we ask you to try out the Blerron Tri-Screen carefully before returning it.

Are you sure?

We are very sorry that you want to return your order. Of course this is no problem at all.

We would like to ask you to follow the steps below to return your order to us. We will then do our best to ensure that everything is processed properly.

Step 1: Pack the product you want to return in the original box or packaging.

Step 2: Complete the form below. We will then ensure that a shipping label is sent to you as quickly as possible.

Step 3: Print the shipping label return form and stick it on the packaging.

Step 4: Deliver your return to a parcel point that accepts the parcel service we have selected. Please note: Make sure you keep the proof of postage you receive from the post office!

Step 5: Once the return shipment has reached us, we will process it and ensure that you receive a refund within 7 - 14 working days.

Return your product